We are open for submissions, but please bear in mind the following:

You get one shot at this – so make it your best – and follow our guidelines – 

We mainly take submissions for our digital and print publishing assistance service (The Book Reality Experience) in a partnership publishing solution for authors. We have different pathways available and we will recommend what we think works best, BUT – Before submitting, be aware – WE DO NOT ACCEPT ALL submissions. So, to stand the best chance:

  1. Read our Frequently Asked Questions.
  2. Follow the instructions:

Any submissions not following these guidelines will not be considered. Thank you for your cooperation.

For all books except children’s illustrated:

To submit your work to us please email create@bookreality.com with a synopsis of your work (if you are not sure what a synopsis is, Google it).

In a separate attachment, provide the first three chapters (or first 5000 words) of your manuscript. ONLY attach Word or PDF format documents.

At the head of your synopsis please put your:

  • Full name,
  • The title and full word count of the finished manuscript,
  • Your contact details – including your location (a state or a country is fine – we only need it for time zone management purposes).

Also include any previous publishing history and who you think your book will appeal to.

Your manuscript should be laid out as follows:

  • double-spaced,
  • Times New Roman font 12,
  • 2.54cm margins all around
  • PDF or Word Doc or Word Docx – 

If you cannot submit in this format we will not be able to assess your work.

We are currently taking 4 weeks minimum to assess submissions. We do not give comments on any manuscripts we reject but we do contact each author who submits their work to us.

  • We do not charge an assessment or reading fee.
  • If we are interested in assisting you we will advise if that is in:
    • a traditional method (fully funded, with royalty split),
    • a hybrid method, (author funded, with royalty split)
    • or assisted self-publishing method, (author funded, no royalty split).

Once more, to reiterate – We recommend that you make yourself familiar with our services and that you have read through our FAQs (Click here to access them).

*Please note: Leschenault Press and our other publishing imprints (The Book Reality Experience and Latharna Press) accept all genres for review, but we retain the right to not proceed with projects we find are inflammatory, racist, sexist or otherwise offensive. Any decision to not proceed is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

A statement about copyright: Your Manuscript and all your work is protected under copyright and in no way will that copyright be encroached upon by Leschenault Press or its imprints, in accordance with the copyright laws of Australia.

For children’s illustrated projects, please send an initial email to create@bookreality.com outlining your story concept, if you have already engaged an illustrator and the full text of the project in a word document.